Imperial Limo World Wide

Securing Your Valuables While You Travel: Do’s and Don’ts

Traveling can be great fun, but it can also be anxiety-inducing to think of all of your valuables left at home while you satisfy your quest for wanderlust. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to ensure that your home and valuables are protected while you are away. (Sematext) Here are four tips to remember before you take off on your next travel adventure:

Don’t Broadcast That Your House is Empty

Although it may be tempting to use your social media accounts to let all of your friends and family see all the fun that you are having, letting people know that your house is empty is a significant risk.

According to, “we’re all sharing a lot of information online that could be leading criminals straight to our homes and valuables. In fact, one study found that nearly 80% of burglars use social media to plan their heists.”

It is also important to enlist the help of neighbors to take out your trash bins and put them away and make sure that there are no other signs that you are not home.

The postal service also makes it easy to hold your mail during the duration of your trip so that it does not tip off possible intruders that the house is not occupied.

When to Put it in Storage

Storage isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. For your most valuable items, you probably want to consider other methods of safeguarding them.

All Storage Online points out this limited capacity of storage units: “Did you see the section of your lease entitled “Limitation of Value”? That’s a fancy way of saying that you should not store anything that’s extremely expensive. No, we’re not talking about the nice winter jacket that set you back a few hundred bucks; we’re talking about diamonds and pearls.”

Using a storage unit while you’re away on an extended trip can protect your valuables and ensure that your house is not a target. At the same time, use prudence about what you put in a storage unit. It’s not a foolproof solution.

Utilize Timed Lights

A home security system can be a great asset when looking to protect your valuables while away. These systems typically use a combination of security cameras, monitoring, sensors, and lights to help protect your home against potential intruders. AMP Smart further advises “Deter burglars with motion-sensor floodlights in the front, back, and side yards of your home. Replace the bulbs often and check to make sure they’re always in working order. A floodlight could make the difference in scaring off an intruder.” You can use timers on the lights to mimic the usual times that you would turn them on and off while at home. 

Protect Against Power Surges

Unplugging all electronics such as televisions and computers prior to your departure will guard against a power surge. The last thing that you want to happen is to arrive home from a wonderful vacation to find out that your electronics are not usable.

Although it can be stressful to leave so many of your valuables while you travel, a little planning and preparation can go a long way to easing your worries. And when you let Imperial Limo World Wide do the driving, traveling becomes a true pleasure.